
Website & Marketing Check-up

Thank you for coming to complete our website & marketing check-up.

Step 1 of 11

Your core values are clearly reflected on your website and in your marketing materials.(Required)
Your website makes it clear what your core focus is - both in terms of what you do best and why you do it.(Required)
Your website messaging targets the right audience, and effectively communicates your unique strengths.(Required)
Your online marketing campaigns (e.g., SEO, PPC, social media) speak directly to the problems your ideal customers are facing.(Required)
You utilise your website and marketing to showcase new offerings and innovations that align with your long-term vision.(Required)
You have a method of ensuring consistency in your brand message across different platforms (website, social media, newsletters, etc.).(Required)
Your marketing highlights the specific ways in which your company is better equipped than competitors to meet customer needs.(Required)
You are measuring how effectively your marketing strategy attracts customers who align with your target market and core focus.(Required)
Your client reviews and testimonials regularly reference your uniques.(Required)
You have the right people in your marketing seat(s) (whether that's in-house or a 3rd party).(Required)
If you would like an email with your overall score please enter your email below.